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Old 10-05-2008, 09:51 PM
lovenewyawkcity lovenewyawkcity is offline
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Default Wyse Terminal Altair 680

I simply cannot afford one of the more vintage terminals such as the Hazel

tine or the adm.

I was looking at one of the more generic Serial terminals, like this one

on ebay

What would be involved in getting this to work with the Altair 680?

Thanks in advance for your response,

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Old 10-06-2008, 03:12 PM
bugman bugman is offline
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Posts: 30

Just curious, are you looking towards an actual terminal for nostalgic reasons only? I ask because it is not needed, any PC old or new can serve as your terminal just fine. And I think it is much easier to save and load papertape images using a PC. I had my 680 setup for a while using an Apple ][+ with a terminal program as the terminal. I switched to an old PC for archival purposes.

As far as answering your original question, it shouldnt be much more difficult than getting the correct cable to go from the serial connection on the 680 to the serial on the terminal. Then, making sure the settings match (buad rate, stop bits, parity). These are set by the jumpers on th 680, and probably dip switches of some kind on the terminal.

Hope this helps.
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