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Old 04-21-2008, 09:53 PM
Reactive Reactive is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 35

Glenn: I do have ISE and ispLever. I found ISE totally confusing. ispLever was a little better, but I still found it and Quartus a bit confusing. Probably due to the fact that I haven't really used anything close to them before. Grant found some videos that I've watched that helped a bit. Think they are still on my Site too if you'd like to see them.

After reading a few reviews and talking a few different people who do use those programs they have all pretty much told me that Quartus would be the best program for me since I don't want to learn an HDL. Quartus has a schematic entry interface like ispLever, but I had read that ispLever was going to get rid of theirs in the next version. So I'm pretty much stuck with Quartus I think.

I just spoke with a buddy of mine who is in school for electronics. I had been talking to him about this project as well off and on for the past few weeks. He said I may want to post the project on a freelance Site like in their electronics section. He said I should be able to find a programmer who would be willing to work on the project for just a few hundred since it's a really simple project.

Since we are all new to this it may be worth me posting the project ($10 and under) and finding a few guys to talk it over with and see what they think we would need and should do. Not that I don't think we could find a workable solution, but it may be a big time saver to talk it over with someone who has worked on different projects using PLDs, SDRAM and HDL software before.

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