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Old 04-10-2008, 07:48 PM
Grant Stockly Grant Stockly is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 447

I've been thinking about building an SBC out of all DIP parts that could run linux. Using a 64pin 68000, 32pin 512kb SRAM, etc. An inexpensive kit that has something in common with modern tools and software would be fun. A true "modern" computer kit. I wanted to limit it to DIP/PLCC/through hole parts since even coarse pitch SOIC parts are hard for some people.

I have had this idea since before the Altair kit ever came. Now I'm thinking it would be neat to have a 68000 and some memory on an S-100 card so that the Altair can run linux.

I know of at least one case where uCLinux has run on a 68000, but the FPGA company who built it for their core doesn't want to share the kernel patches.

I only suggest the 65816 because there are already a few 6502 kits out there.

I've been thinking about selling my Altair 8800 kit prototype. Its taking up space and I don't think I need to keep it for "memories". If you or anyone are interested, let me know.

One thing I would like to make in the future is a 6502 CPU board that is 100% compatible with the original Altair. This would allow a modified version of the Wozniak Apple 1 monitor to run on the Altair. If you prototyped your S-100 card in an Altair you would help accelerate me to that goal.

I would probably have a 6502 CPU chip, buffer chips, and a spot for a medium sized FLASH chip AND a 1702. The woz monitor would be
modified to use the 2SIO.

There IS a version of "CP/M" for the 6502. It would also be neat to run that!

Too many ideas and not enough time!

This is the prototype that I would be interested in getting rid of...

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