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Boris 05-10-2010 10:06 PM

Looking for Kenbak 1 kit

Does anybody have Kenbak 1 kit that they want to sell? Assembled, unassembled, working or not.
If you have just a PCB or PCB layout that would do also.


Grant Stockly 06-21-2010 07:47 AM

There are a few kits left. I will be able to sell them in the middle of August to September...or as early as two weeks.

I personally don't plan on making any more after that, however there are a few individuals that may want to do it for me.

The likelyhood of more Kenbak-1s after the current stock of 4 are sold is almost 0%. ^^ Way too expensive to manufacture and there is hardly any demand.

pontus 10-20-2010 06:17 AM

Hi Grant

Do you have any of these Kenbak kits left? I'm very interested in buying one.

I have a few questions, such as how do I get easily it signed by John and is the power supply rated for 220 volts and will you ship to Sweden?

Kind regards,

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