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markboston 07-03-2011 10:17 PM

still around?
are these still being offered? looking at the website the last time it was updated was in 2007.

Grant Stockly 08-11-2011 11:44 PM

We are moving all of the kit parts from one house to another. In a few months we will be able to sell kits again.


W0XEU 08-12-2011 03:31 PM

Altair 680 availability
Interested in an ALtair 680 kit and/or just parts... Please advise on availability and prices.



xevious_xenon 08-14-2011 09:33 PM

interested in a kit too

Originally Posted by Grant Stockly (Post 4462)
We are moving all of the kit parts from one house to another. In a few months we will be able to sell kits again.


Hi all, just adding a "me too", I'd also like to know about 680 kits when they are available, thanks!

Tor 08-16-2011 11:51 AM

I'm mainly interested in the 8800, so I hope that project is resurrected too. A 680 would do if not, but the 8800 is the one I really wish for.

I'm replying to this thread instead of starting another in the 8800 subforum, as the forum seems to have been totally overrun by spammers in the recent months. This thread actually contains posts by real human life :-)

I got aware of this fabulous replication project some months ago (I wish I had known about it back in 2007 when there were kits available!). Didn't register until today though (unless I registered some months ago without making a note of it - but I don't think I did, I would have first tried this user name (which is my real first name) unless taken, and it worked now, so I didn't. Presumably.)

If the 8800 gets available again I'll be seriously interested. If only the 680 gets available I will go for that one. In the meantime I'm honing my resurrected soldering skills by assembling some small, nice microcontroller kits. (I could also, however, be interested in an already pre-built kit if someone has a good one for sale, if built by someone with good soldering skills).


Grant Stockly 08-31-2012 08:42 PM

I've sent order forms to everyone in this thread.

If you didn't receive one, please let me know.

Anyone who wants any of the kits should let me know here, or e-mail

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