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Grant Stockly 06-08-2012 10:40 PM

New Kit Sales!!!
My wife and I are finishing unpacking and setting up the kit stuff. It has been packed away while we moved.

I will be sending order forms to people who have sent me a private message or an e-mail. When things are ready to ship, I will collect money and mail them out.

Immediately I have about 8 Kenbaks, 8 Altair 680s, and about 10-11 Altair 8800s.

I'm not sure how many more 680s or Kenbak's I will make, if any. There hasn't been much demand for them.

I will make 20 more Altair 8800 kits as soon as the current kits sell.

Since the Altair 8800 kits are usually customized, it will take some time to pack those kits. (memory boards, serial boards, EPROM boards, etc)

If you haven't already expressed interest, then you can e-mail me at, reply to this message, or send me a private message.

I will start sending the e-mails out after I have the order form worked out.

KamikazeMercenary 08-03-2012 12:58 PM

Hey Grant,

I think I'd be interested in an Altair 8800. Can you please provide me the details - kit contents, price, how you want payment, etc? Thanks.

Grant Stockly 08-31-2012 08:23 PM

I'm trying to send you the order form. If you didn't receive it, please let me know.

Drwass2 09-05-2012 12:21 PM

ordered Kenbak
hopefully, I was able to fill in your form and email back to you my order for a Kenbak. I hope to donate it to MARCH (Mid Atlantic Redtro Computer Hobbyist).
which is the vintage computer group at INFOAGE here in NJ at Camp Evans. This is probably the only vintage computer we don't have.
If you did not get it, email me and I will use slow mail.
I did not have compatible reader so had to shuffle format around using open office. I think it worked.

livewire 11-02-2012 05:04 PM

Hi Grant,

I am interested in buying one of your Kenbak kits.
Could you send me an order form?

If there are no more complete kits available, and you have any extra boards and / or chassis on hand, I would gladly pay for one of them.

Please let me know.

Thanks, Jim / livewire

Grant Stockly 12-01-2015 12:10 PM

And we are back online, for good! :o More later on the full story...

hwrdmltn 12-06-2015 09:34 PM

8800 kits
Are you still purveying Altair 8800 kits? Or could you let me know when the next buy might be? Thanx...

73 de W1ARQ Howard

astrorat 01-07-2016 03:45 AM

OMG - I would love to buy one of your Altair 8800 kits
So how do I get on the list for the next available Altair 8800 kit?

Grant Stockly 01-12-2016 10:55 AM

I will have some kind of announcement about that. I have a few in stock and will be ordering 20 more. I don't know how many I have available, if any. Some people have already expressed interest back in 2013 when I tried to make more.

Archie_X 01-14-2016 11:05 PM

Hello Grant! I've been haunting your website and forums for a long while, just hoping for an announcement like this! Now my next hope is to save up the necessary funds to invest in one of your gem replicas later this spring or summer!

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