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Geoff Harrison 09-27-2007 06:47 PM

Christmas comes early to Minnesota

What more can I say?

I'll post additional pictures when I start the build.


Grant Stockly 09-28-2007 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff Harrison (Post 849)

I'll post additional pictures when I start the build.


Great! Shipped Monday afternoon from Alaska and arrived on Thursday!

What do you think of the manual? Did you find the part layout legend?

Let me know when you start building it! I can't wait to see pictures! :)

Geoff Harrison 09-28-2007 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Grant Stockly (Post 857)
What do you think of the manual? Did you find the part layout legend?

The manual is great. I was wondering how you were going to handle the parts placement instructions, considering that the board has so little information on it. The diagram and layout legend make it easy. I plan to photocopy them and just check off the parts as I install them -- I hate marking up the original manual

So far I've installed the LEDs in the front panel. I haven't wired them yet, but it's a start :)

Grant Stockly 09-28-2007 11:35 AM

I have not uploaded them yet but the entire manual will be available for download this weekend. Then you wouldn't need to copy a part you could print a new page.

I wish I had the part layout page when I made my first one. ;)

Geoff Harrison 09-29-2007 09:12 PM

I thought for a moment that you'd sent me an extra socket, until I noticed that I'd done this :rolleyes:

I spent a few minutes trying to unsolder the socket, but I didn't want to risk damaging the board. I just ended up cutting the other socket in two and doing this.

Anyway, the sockets are done, now on to resistors, capacitors, etc.

Grant Stockly 09-29-2007 11:56 PM

I think I put IC51's socket upside down in one of mine... Don't feel too bad. ;)

Geoff Harrison 09-30-2007 01:28 AM


In the diagram for the pin numbering on the 1404 memory cans, is that looking down from above the can like with normal chips, or looking up from below. I assume it's looking down, but I want to be sure since they're hard to find.


Grant Stockly 09-30-2007 04:34 AM

They are hard to find, but I can get them. I wouldn't leave any kit builder hanging... : ) The pin numbering is from the top looking down.

Its possible that a higher resolution picture would help. This one was taken with the flash. I tried to use non-flash pictures in the manual.

Geoff Harrison 09-30-2007 07:17 PM


In your assembly instructions you offer options for some of the decoupling caps. e.g. C14 can be 1000u/100v or 33u/50v. What's the best way to decide which one to use?


Geoff Harrison 10-02-2007 09:50 PM

I decided to go a different route with the key switches. I don't like the idea of gluing them into place, even though that's how they were originally fixed, and I didn't want them to be sitting too high off the front panel as they would do if they were snapped into their locations. Instead, I built this little carrier that is held in place with screws.

Some may not like the non-standard screw heads showing like that, but I figured I'm going with LEDs and colored keycaps anyway, so why not.

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